Motivation Monday: A bit lost

Motivation Monday

So much has been going on in my life lately.  I have really had to step back and evaluate what is important to me and get back on track.  It is so easy to get lost in the clutter of everything, mainly life and what hands are dealt to you.

When I first started this blog I had just had my son and my daughter was 5. Well my son is now 1 and my daughter is getting ready to go to school and I finally feel like I’m getting a grasp on running my business and my blogs.  I swear sometimes it takes getting lost and not knowing what to do to figure out what you really want.

self love handbook for plus size brides, self love for plus size brides

Now, I’m not saying that all is great and all my problems are solved but I will say that there are some things in my life that have had some light shined on them and my future seems a little more focused.

Happy Planning,

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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.
plus size self confidence