{Wedding Tip Thursday} Plus Size Bridal Tip #3 ~ Try it on

always try on1


This is honestly, hands down one of my favorite tips.  So often plus size brides know exactly what dress to try on.  They assume that the one dress in their mind is the only option so they walk pass or stroll through dresses that could potentially be THEIR dress because they are envisioning how a dress might look on them rather than seeing how it actually looks on them.  And I must say 9 out of 10 times they are pleasantly surprised.


Check out our other Wedding Tip Thursday posts


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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.