Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, the day full of chocolates, romantic dinners, private wine and dinner tours, and cards….. But come on, we all know better than that. As much fun as having a day designated to showing our partner how much we love them is, we know that more importantly we need to show them throughout the year. So with this, let’s talk about some ways to show your partner you care throughout the year, and for those of you who have waited till the last-minute some Valentine’s Day gifts for tomorrow.
Now let’s start with what you can do at home.
Personally I LOVE a homemade card, I make a card for my Mr. at least once or twice a year. He is a self-proclaimed “connoisseur” of all things nerdy, so I often times base the theme on something he enjoys like Dr. Who, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. It’s completely personal, and shows him that I not only know him and appreciate his nerdiness, sorry I mean connoisseurship, but that I spent the time to make something just for him.
The next thing I always recommend is speaking with sweets. When I want to show love randomly, I find the easiest way is to bake something special. You don’t need to make a 6 layer cake or crème brulee, make something your partner loves and you’re good at and the sentiment will go far. There is just something about a homemade dessert that makes you feel loved and cared for. HINT: Find out what they loved as a child, and learn how to make it. Trust me they will LOVE it!!
The same rings true for cooking. If you can cook, and there is something your partner loves, MAKE IT. I don’t cook often, in fact when I do cook my daughter is surprised (I am the baker in our family), so when I do cook it is SPECIAL. And when my Mr. cooks, WOW!! Let me tell you some of my favorite meals were surprises that he’s made me. Again, you don’t have to cook a Michelin star worthy meal, just cook from your heart, something simple, and sentimental. Putting thought into a meal for those you love, and presenting it to them is simply amazing, and always shines through with love.
Now not everyone is into DIY gifts, and sometimes you just don’t have the time, but that doesn’t mean you have to give a generic gift.
I’ve found that the best gifts are those the person wouldn’t buy themselves, something fun, frivolous, a ‘want’ rather than a ‘need’.
ALWAYS start with what your partner loves. Is there a watch they always look at but would never get themselves? Maybe they’d appreciate Premium Watch Straps for Men to enhance it. Is there a book they love, that you can get a first edition of? What hobbies do they have….. Running shoes, tennis racket, camera lens, showing that you see them and want to give them something they wouldn’t buy themselves is not only thoughtful it tells your partner that you value their time and interests.
Get moving!! Rather than simply buying a gift you can always get active, sign them up for something, or find an activity for you to do together. Do you enjoy running? Train and run a 5K or a Fun Run together. Are you foodies? Check out a cooking class, learn how to make a new dish and enjoy it together. More adventurous…? How about a City-wide scavenger hunt, or learn something new like surfing, painting, or horseback riding.
And finally sometimes the best gift is time away, which can mean different things to different people. Translation 1 A weekend away for the two of you, it doesn’t have to be far, you can drive an hour or two away and just relax and explore. Or you can book a flight somewhere you’ve never been and experience somewhere new. Have an adventure together, try new foods, be tourists! This can be planned with or without your partner, for a maximum surprise factor. And in all honesty you can get great last-minute deals on both flights and a hotel, which means you can book something right before you go and still get credit for planning an amazing trip/surprise. Translation 2 A fun trip for your partner and their friends. This is something I learned from my dad, as he would often send my mom on trips with her girlfriends. Knowing that we don’t always take times for ourselves, or take trips with our friends it is beyond thoughtful to give the gift of time with friends. And the great thing is if you can’t get everyone together for a trip; get them together for a day. From a night out, to a spa day, to a round of golf or wine tasting showing that you care for your partner and their friend time is amazing. Translation 3 find a trip with a group of like-minded people. From hiking, to finding micro-brews, there are meet-up groups everywhere, you two can make new friends, have fun, and create new memories.
So Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your loves, I hope you have some new ideas to not only refresh your gifts for tomorrow, but to show love throughout the year. And maybe “accidentally” leave this for your partner to see and up their gift-giving game.