My mind lately has been thinking of warmer places, especially with school starting for my littles, it makes me think about warming spots even more. And one of my favorite places that I visited last year for our Aisle Society retreat was the amazing Sandals at Royal Bohemian resort. You should check out my Instagram (you will have to scroll down a bit to get to it) for some of my behind the scenes footage. It was fabulous from the service, to the food and to the fabulous environment. I had so much fun!! And it’s the perfect place for a WeddingMoon because the minute you start planning and arrive on resort, their whole motto is #NoWorryMovement. Now, that’s how I like to plan a wedding.
Impeccable Service
The minute you step onto Sandal’s resort you are meet with service that parallels the feeling of royalty. You are treated like you are the most important person at the resort. And this my friends is what will keep me coming back time and time again. That feeling; that you do matter and aren’t just a number visiting, is the best feeling EVER!
Amazing Food
When going to an all inclusive resort some people think that you will get the most basic and mundane food. So not the case at Sandal’s resort. I was blown away by the food. Honestly, it was so good and so much of it that I didn’t even get to try it all. They had a superb mix of food native to the island, which was great because I wouldn’t have gotten to try any of that food anywhere else, and they also had traditional food. It was truly a culinary explosion of food all around plus the resort always went the extra mile to ensure that the food displays and setups were just as amazing as the food. It was fabulous!
Stunning Atmosphere
It’s crazy how just being in a certain location can instantly make you feel better but I swear this is what happens once you step onto the Sandals Royal Bahamian resort. I was literally transformed into someone with no worries while I was there and it was definitely because of the fabulous atmosphere created by the staff. The water, the amenities, the room, just being there caused me to easily fall into the #noworrymovement!
Aisle Society at the Sandals Royal Bahamian from Aisle Society on Vimeo.