I am so excited to share this week’s e-session with you for our Real Wedding Wednesday. This session is from my good friend Sarah of Flick Foto out of Pennsylvania. Lynne and Mark’s story is so sweet. It just warms my heart the way that two people can be destined to be together.
Check out their amazing e-session and heart warming love story!!!
We both found love through online matchmaking. We exchanged emails for about a month before actually meeting. We had our first date on April 11, 2005. We were both so nervous, myself more so than he. We settled on a time for pick-up, however, he was late—about 30 minutes. This drove my nerves into overdrive thinking he wasn’t coming at all!!
Our first date was an usual first date—movies and a bite to eat afterwards. He chose the flick—Blow, with Johnny Depp. It was showing at the Ritz 5 in Center City. He purchased the tickets and then we walked around the block waiting for the show to start. We entered the movie theater and saw that the show had started. So we went in, found a seat, and watched the movie. The best part was that we both misinterpreted the time! We watched the last half of the movie!!
After the movie, we walked around Center City and found a very unusual spot to have a few drinks. This bar was very eclectic where people could write on the walls, play kiddie games at the table, even sit in old Ferris wheel seats! We just sat talking (well more he then I). My life seemed so disinteresting after hearing his stories. His stories seemed so much more interesting as he told me all about his life. The whole time I was thinking that he will find me boring and never ask me for a second date.
He did ask me for a second date. And a third and so on! We were together for a very long time. We knew early on that we wanted to marry and start a life together. However, financially it would be a long wait! He was working two or more jobs at a time to make ends meet. While I was working for a corporation that tied me to reports and computers 10-14 hours a day. During this time, I had gone back to school for a degree that I needed for the corporate job.
I moved into his house in the fall of 2009 to help him out financially and to make it easier on me to go back and forth to work. I was now working in Conshohocken, PA and the commute was only 15 minutes from his house. It was a pretty good idea at the time and it made us feel even closer.
It was thanks to the lousy economy that made it more possible for us to go on with our life plans. Most couples can not say this, but in his business it made him a much more sought out commodity! In 2009, the store he worked for closed its doors for good, thus making it possible to work full time at a job making more money per year. He also was sought out for a major company which he works part-time. I stayed at the corporation for another year, and in 2010, had to leave from the undue stress and pressure it gave to me on a daily basis.
In years past, for the Christmas celebrations, we would write out a wish list of things we would like to see under the tree. My wish list for the 2009, year was pretty plain and simple. Number 1 and 2 on the list was “A shiny and sparkly object”. Number 3 and 4 on the list was “A shiny and sparkly object that I would wear”. Number 5 on the list was “A shiny and sparkly object that I would wear on a specific finger”. Then numbers 6 through 10 was the same thing. Under the listed items, I wrote: If you feel that I don’t deserve any of the items listed above, please let me know now so I can make alternative arrangements.
That year for Christmas I got my wish! I was given the engagement ring I have been longing for for years! Our plans were to have a shorter engagement, possibly marry the following year, but we couldn’t figure out a date that we both liked and settled on August 6th, 2011.
I can’t wait to share their wedding pictures, so stayed tune for their amazing wedding next week.
Here’s a sneak peek!!!
Thank you so much to Flick Foto for these photos and Lynne and Mark for sharing their wonderful story!!!