I’m a sucker for a good proposal and this one is definitely it. Creating a custom lock box with the open code being the date of your first date is “EPIC”. Check out this amazing plus size bride’s story and meet the one who brings joy to her.
Monica & David
Engagement Date: 9/26/14
Engagement Location: Knoxville, TN
Wedding Date: 10/31/15
Tell us about your first meeting..
Monica: Our first “meeting” was actually via messaging on an online dating website. From reading his messages he seemed like a nice, respectful, and smart person. Most importantly he was a huge nerd like I am. We both like to read, play board games and video games, and common nerd interests like Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Star Trek, etc. So, after a couple of phone conversations we planned our first date.
David: We met through OK Cupid. I sent her a message, not expecting her to reply. I felt that she was out of my league. She replied, we went back and forth a few times on OK Cupid, then moved on to a phone conversation.
Tell us about your First Date…
Monica: We had our first date at a popular and casual restaurant. He was visibly nervous and had brought me purple tulips which is my favorite color and favorite flower. I remember having two thoughts when I first saw him, “He’s cuter in person,” and “It’s so wonderful that he put in the effort to get me flowers.” We had a few awkward moments at the beginning as we were adjusting to being in each other presence for the first time, but after that the conversation flowed really easily. I left the date being confident that there would be a second one.
David: We went to a local restaurant and then a movie. I bought a bouquet of flowers and gave them to her.
Tell us about your First Kiss…
Monica: Our first kiss happened at our second date. David is more of a shy, nervous guy so I remember him asking me if it was okay for him to kiss me and of course I said yes. It was a sweet kiss and he had a mustache at the time and I remember thinking that it was softer than I imagined it would be.
David: It was after a later movie date. A quick peck on the lips.
Tell us about the proposal…
Monica: My proposal wasn’t a surprise (but believe me when I say it didn’t lessen the impact) because David is bad at lying/being sneaky.Earlier in the week he told me that he wanted to do something special with our family/friends and asked me to go to the most expensive restaurant in the city and that my mother and best friend would be there along with his best friend and wife. Before we ordered dinner David pulls out this mechanical wooden dice lock box he’d made from scratch. It has a keypad on the front and he explains to me that a four digit code will open the box (0703 for July 3rd, our first date) and before he can get all his words out I’ve already punched it in in excitement. The lock triggers and he opens the box and my ring box is inside. He then reads off a list of 10 things that he loves about me and asks me to marry him. I literally did not miss a beat before saying “YES!” My friend taped the whole thing and the funny part is you can see the manager of the restaurant in the background the entire time and after I hug and kiss David she rushes in to get a hug after him (that latter part isn’t caught on the tape), so I ended up hugging this lady before I hugged my own mother!
David: She and I had talked about the future of our relationship. I had received some ideas and I helped her pick out her ring. Originally, I was going to do a more theatrical idea, but her close friend remarked how much she liked a pair of steps that I made her for her hot tub. So I shifted directions towards making something for her. With some research, I came upon the idea of making a box to hold the ring. I worked with my dad on the wood working and with an electronics friend on the wiring. After many hours, I finished the box. The key code was set to the date of our first date. She guessed the combination on the first try and said yes.
Write a short letter to each other {50 words or less}
Monica: My Dear, I honestly couldn’t ask for a better partner in life than you. You allow me to be who I am and support me in everything that I do. You spoil me with your love and I hope to do the same for you.
David: My Dear Monica,
I love you and feel lucky to have found you. You are a warm, strong, beautiful and intelligent woman. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.