plus size vs curvy

Plus Size vs Curvy…Which Do You Prefer?

plus size vs curvy
See Full Wedding Here

A while back we posted a QOTD and from that question came another great question. Are people offended when someone uses the words plus size? Do you prefer curvy or voluptuous?

This somewhat baffled me because honestly I think of plus size being the pc way of saying things.  I myself am not offended because to me plus size is a more inclusionary word.  When I think of curvy or voluptuous I think about someone who has curves, meaning more of an hour glass body not necessarily a full figured or plus size body.  And when I hear voluptuous I automatically think of a women who has a larger chest.  Both of these words don’t necessarily make me immediately think of someone who is over a size 14 because as we know you can be curvy or voluptuous and not fit the “plus size” mold.

I feel that there is so much more going on in this situation than just the name.  It’s people realizing that we are a group that deserves and demands to be treated as everyone else.  We shouldn’t have to flip through magazines and websites imagining what we would look like in a wedding gown.  Because yes, this is the norm.


I feel that we have made strides, I was going to put huge strides and I decided not to because actually we haven’t in so many ways.  We as a group are stilling hoping and praying that we will get the recognition that we deserve on the bigger blogs and magazines and we are making progress but there is still progress to be made.  Why are we still hanging around hoping and wishing that our images, our weddings are going to get picked up by publications that don’t cater to us. It’s common knowledge that a publication is going to include and share things with their readers that relate to their readers.   Do we really want that, do we want to be one of 300 in a month that goes up on a site along with 4 or 5 others in a day? Or constantly getting let down because a publication won’t pick you your images or story because you don’t look like their readers.

I feel like I’m going in a whole other direction than what I wanted to with this post but it honestly needs to be said.  I have been told constantly that I am doing what is so needed for the plus size community. I hear “We need this, Keep up the good work, Push forward” but ironically those same people that are saying that are sabotaging the movement because it’s so much more than considering ourselves plus size or curvy or voluptuous, it’s about allowing plus size brides and women to have a voice, an outlet where they see themselves in inspiration.   That’s what it’s all about!  It shouldn’t be about what we call ourselves.  We need to be joyous and excited that we are taking the steps to recognize that we are plus size or curvy or voluptuous, everything else will just fall into place.

{Real Plus Size Wedding} Gorgeous Mermaid Dress with Something Blue New Jersey Wedding

And I’m going to end it like I ended my previous post “Being a Plus Size Bride“, we, as plus size brides HAVE to take a stand, come together and come from behind the sigma that we don’t want to be represented on a “plus size” blog.  So often people realize it’s a plus size bridal blog and decide they don’t want to be featured on the blog, which is completely fine unless it’s because it’s a blog glorifying plus size brides.  I understand that everyone is not in the same place with their body acceptance and image and that’s fine but do you think it’s going to help your image or acceptance if your images aren’t picked up anywherer or if you an editor of a publication doesn’t take your images because of how you look.  First off we need to be happy that we are able to move in the direction that there is a blog dedicated to you and your gorgeous body inside and out and not make people imagine how they could or would look.

I’m curious how you all feel.  Do you like the term plus size? Do you like that there is a site and magazine where everything is dedicated to you?Or don’t you?

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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.