If you’re in the process of planning a wedding, you’ve probably read plenty of advice about how to do so. It’s all useful, from the big to the small, and it’s all to be paid attention to. However, very rarely in that advice will you find the words that your wedding is a good time to “take a chance”.
A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so why would you take a chance on it? Why would you book a risky venue, choose a dress you’re not certain of, or make plans when you’re not sure if your guests will be able to attend? You’ve got to do it right. Otherwise – as the undercurrent of the advice suggests – the entire day will be ruined.
Here’s the thing: no, it won’t. You’re not going to ruin your day because it’s not perfect. Strip it back, and a wedding is always a legal, sometimes a religious, always a vitally important, exchanging of vows. Just because the napkins don’t match the tablecloth isn’t going to matter to you, fifty years down the line when you look back on your wedding album with your grandkids.
The Worried Bride
When you’re gorging on advice, it’s meant to be a good thing – and it is. Don’t stop doing that; you’ve never planned a wedding before, so you need all the help that you can get. There’s no harm in it.
However, some of this advice isn’t coming from a dispassionate place. It’s coming from companies who stand to profit from the choices you make. You find yourself hearing that the invitations have to be perfect, that your dress has to be just right, and how you shouldn’t scrimp on the decorations… from people who will profit from your perfectionism. And if you can’t afford (or don’t want, due to saving for a house for example) to get things perfect, then soon, you’re going to worry.
Your Wedding Can Become A Broth
As in, too many cooks are spoiling it.
The more professionals you get involved in your wedding, the more stress and the potential for worry you open yourself up to. The modern phenomenon of a bridezilla is rarely caused by “princessy” behavior; it’s the end result of a mounting pile of stress and opinions.
Step Back
While planning a wedding is consuming, it’s worth stepping back every so often. You don’t have to consult every single caterer going to make sure you have the right choice. You don’t have to try on a thousand dresses until you find ‘the one’. You have to protect yourself most of all.
You can step back by handing over some of the planning to your bridesmaids like looking for a full service event venue or booking a limousine service. This will help lighten some of the load. You may also do something you love – a hobby, a TV show binging session – that doesn’t involve the wedding.
Your wedding is important, but the commitment behind it is the thing that really matters. So step back where you can, keep a sense of perspective, and make peace with the little errors that crop up along the way!