Today I’m sharing a video from Ashley Graham an amazing plus size model. She did aTEDxBerkleeValencia talk in Spain that moved me so much I had to share. It’s from several years ago but it still rings true today.
The talk was entitled “Plus Size? More Like My Size,” and she talked about her journey in recognizing her own self love and how she has come to accept her own body. She actually shares stories of how hard it has been for her. She ended with expressing her passion for body diversity and the importance of shifting the beauty conversion from one size fits all to all sizes fit all.
This really is a huge thing for us in the wedding industry as well right now. It’s not about being plus size, it’s about being my size. Love this so much because once we as plus size brides learn to accept our own body so much becomes easier.
Check out the video below and let me know in the comments, “What is your favorite part?”