Plus Brides, SHOW your curves

This past weekend I had a photo shoot for an upcoming project and I donned a wedding dress.   I was sooo excited for this.  I loved getting married and I was excited to relive it again.  Of course I had to wear something totally different from what everyone expected me to wear. So, YES, IT SHOWED MY CURVES!!!

So many plus brides are afraid to show their curves and hide behind an A-lined dress.  But you can show those beautiful curves.  I promise you will look great.

Surprisingly, when I had this AMAZING dress on from Alfred Angelo it sucked in everything that I needed to be sucked in.  It slimmed me in all the right places and created the perfect silhouette that I wanted.

self love handbook for plus size brides, self love for plus size brides

I have to give a huge shout out to the photographer, Brannan Blascak Ph0tography for all her hard work and to my Makeup Artist, Millicent Smith.

I can’t wait to share all the other great images from the shoot but not yet.  Just a little while longer till I can fill everyone in with what PPB has up our sleeves.  And it’s a total game changer for plus size brides!!!

Don’t be afraid to show your curves because your: BIG, BEAUTIFUL AND GETTING MARRIED!


Does your wedding dress show off your curves?



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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.
plus size self confidence