{Motivation Monday} Don’t Listen to the Lies…..You are Beautiful



This is such a true statement.  We as a society are always bashing something that doesn’t conform to what we are used to seeing.  But honestly everyone is beautiful in their own right. We  have to stop telling lies that people aren’t beautiful just because they don’t look how we want them to look.

When I was planning my wedding I was constantly told that I needed to lose weight and that I didn’t look like a bride should look.  And it was hurtful and it made me feel horrible BUT I made it through because I had and still have a very high self esteem so I was able to brush it off and keep it moving. But there are so many women and men out there that don’t and they believe what they are told, and it hurts my heart to the core.  That someone words could literally shape and mold how someone ends up living their life, it just isn’t right.

So I think we need to take a stand and really work to changing the perception of how people see each other.  We need to make it so that you might now like the way I look but there is no reason for you to put me down or degrade me and make me feel less than human.  It just isn’t right.  So the next time someone says something like this to you, don’t believe the lie and keep it moving!

self love handbook for plus size brides, self love for plus size brides


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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.
plus size self confidence