diy, teacup lights

{DIY Tuesday} Teacup Lights


I’m in love with this great idea that is perfect for wedding favors for a vintage or shappy chic wedding via the queen of DIY, Martha Stewart.  It is such an inexpensive and creative idea and it’s not that hard either.  You want to use teacups that are missing the saucer and you could even find mixed and matched ones from family or the thrift store.  And I love a DIY project just as much as the next person but honestly I don’t have the patience for anything that is too complicated.  So this is definitely PPB approved!

diy, teacup lights


Nestled Pans | Partially burned candles | Candy or candle thermometer | Tongs | New wicking | Teacups | Wick sustainers | Wooden skewers


  1. STEP 1

    In a small pan set over a larger pan of simmering water, melt down old candles; clip the thermometer to the upper pot, and keep temperature at about 185 degrees. Remove old wicks with tongs.

  2. STEP 2

    Cut a piece of wicking to the cup’s height plus 2 inches. Clamp one end to a wick sustainer; tie the other end around a skewer. Dip wicking and sustainer into melted wax to coat them. Remove and stick sustainer to cup’s bottom.

  3. STEP 3

    Pour in the wax, stopping 1/2 inch below the cup’s rim. Allow wax to set, about 1 hour. The candle will harden with a well in the center. To even it out, use another skewer to prick a circle of holes about 1/16 inch deep around the wick. Pour in melted wax until surface is 1/4 inch below rim. Cut wick.

All images and instructions courtesy of Martha Stewart

Check out other DIY Projects



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Shafonne Myers is a certified wedding and event planner who longed for bridal inspiration that looked like her. She has created a website and magazine that brings bridal inspiration to plus size brides. She does speaking engagements educating the world about plus size brides and self confidence.
plus size self confidence